Results for 'Jerry E. Fein'

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  1.  44
    Case Study: The Limits of Dispute Resolution.Lawrence J. Schneiderman, Jerry E. Fein & Nancy Dubler - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (6):10.
  2. Argumentative design.Jerry E. B. Andriessen & Baruch B. Schwarz - 2009 - In Nathalie Muller Mirza & Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont, Argumentation and education. New York: Springer.
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  3. Argumentation in higher education: examples of actual practices with argumentation tools.Jerry E. B. Andriessen - 2009 - In Nathalie Muller Mirza & Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont, Argumentation and education. New York: Springer. pp. 195--214.
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  4. Logical Puzzles.Jerry E. Jackson - 1983 - Teaching Philosophy 6 (1):25-30.
  5. Crossword Puzzles for Introductory Courses in Philosophy.Jerry E. Jackson - 1985 - Teaching Philosophy 8 (1):47-53.
  6.  89
    Two step iteration of almost disjoint families.Jerry E. Vaughan - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):81-90.
    Keywords: almost disjoint families; small uncountable cardinals; iterations of ψ; Hausdorff; Urysohn.
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    Mitigating Racial Bias in Machine Learning.Kristin M. Kostick-Quenet, I. Glenn Cohen, Sara Gerke, Bernard Lo, James Antaki, Faezah Movahedi, Hasna Njah, Lauren Schoen, Jerry E. Estep & J. S. Blumenthal-Barby - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):92-100.
    When applied in the health sector, AI-based applications raise not only ethical but legal and safety concerns, where algorithms trained on data from majority populations can generate less accurate or reliable results for minorities and other disadvantaged groups.
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    How do I kill thee? Let me count the ways: p53 regulates PARP‐1 dependent necrosis.Rana Elkholi & Jerry E. Chipuk - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (1):46-51.
    Understanding the impact of the p53 tumor suppressor pathway on the regulation of genome integrity, cancer development, and cancer treatment has intrigued scientists and clinicians for decades. It appears that the p53 pathway is a central node for nearly all cell stress responses, including: gene expression, DNA repair, cell cycle arrest, metabolic adjustments, apoptosis, and senescence. In the past decade, it has become increasingly clear that p53 function is directly regulated by poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase‐1 (PARP‐1), a nuclear enzyme involved in DNA (...)
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    Pupillary size in response to a visual guilty knowledge test: New technique for the detection of deception.R. E. Lubow & Ofer Fein - 1996 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 2 (2):164.
  10.  31
    Assessing Papal Probabilities: A Reply to Joseph E. Blado.Jerry L. Walls - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (5):105-116.
    Joseph Blado critiqued my probabilistic arguments against Roman papal doctrines by deploying probability arguments, particularly Bayesian arguments, in favor of the papacy. He contends that there are good C-inductive arguments for papal doctrine that, taken together, add up to a good P-inductive argument. I argue that his inductive arguments fail, and moreover that there are three good C-inductive arguments against papal doctrine in the neighborhood of his failed arguments. I conclude by critiquing his retreat to what he calls ‘skeptical papalism’ (...)
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    Interpretation as abduction.Jerry R. Hobbs, Mark E. Stickel, Douglas E. Appelt & Paul Martin - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 63 (1-2):69-142.
  12.  16
    Édipo Sobredeterminado: Mamãe, Papai e Eu enquanto máquinas-desejantes.Jerry Aline Flieger, Flávia Cristina Silveira Lemos, William de Siqueira Piauí & Lauro Iane de Morais - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):241-266.
    Trata-se do capítulo “Overdetermined Oedipus: Mommy, Daddy, and Me as Desiring-Machine” in: BUCHANAN, Ian. (Org). A Deleuzian Century?. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999. (N.T.).
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    Sweet and sour rats: The effect of insulin dosage on shock-elicited aggression.Jerry Neideffer, Mary Nell Travis, Stephen F. Davis, James W. Voorhees & Robert E. Prytula - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (4):311-312.
  14. Connectionism and cognitive architecture: A critical analysis.Jerry A. Fodor & Zenon W. Pylyshyn - 1988 - Cognition 28 (1-2):3-71.
    This paper explores the difference between Connectionist proposals for cognitive a r c h i t e c t u r e a n d t h e s o r t s o f m o d e l s t hat have traditionally been assum e d i n c o g n i t i v e s c i e n c e . W e c l a i m t h a t t h (...)
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    L. E. Harris The two netherlanders: Humphrey Bradley and Cornelis Drebbel. Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons Ltd., 1961. vii + 227 pp. 9 plates. 44 s.Jerry Stannard - 1963 - Philosophy of Science 30 (4):401-402.
  16.  29
    História esquecida da Guerra do Paraguai: fome, doenças e penalidades.Jérri Roberto Marin - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (3):1449-1453.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Jerry Miner, George A. Male, George W. Bright, Cole S. Brembeck, Ronald E. Hull, Roger R. Woock, Ralph J. Erickson, Oliver S. Ikenberry, William F. O'neill, William H. Hay, David Neil Silk, Gail Zivin & David Conrad - unknown
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    Intentions in Communication.Philip R. Cohen, Jerry Morgan & Martha E. Pollack - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (167):245.
  19.  17
    Reclaiming pluralism in economics: essays in honour of John E. King.Jerry Courvisanos, Jamie Doughney & Alex Millmow (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Until the end of the early 1970s, from a history of economic thought perspective, the mainstream in economics was pluralist, but once neoclassical economics became totally dominant it claimed the mainstream as its own. Since then, alternative views and schools of economics increasingly became minorities in the discipline and were considered heterodox. This book is in honour of John Edward King who has an impressive publication record in the area of economic theory with specific interest in how economic thought in (...)
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  20.  11
    O Núncio Alessandro Bavona e a expansão das circunscrições eclesiásticas no Brasil entre 1907 e 1911.Jérri Roberto Marin - forthcoming - Horizonte:206111-206111.
    Este artigo analisa as políticas e estratégias da Santa Sé para criar novas circunscrições eclesiásticas durante a gestão do núncio apostólico Alessandro Bavona, que atuou entre 1907 e 1911. Serão enfocadas as relações entre a Santa Sé, que formulava projetos para reformar, fortalecer e expandir a Igreja Católica, e o episcopado brasileiro, que, muitas vezes, resistiu, colocou obstáculos e retardou o avanço dessas políticas. As fontes foram obtidas no _Arquivo Apostólico Vaticano_ e no _Arquivo Histórico da Sagrada Congregação dos Trabalhos (...)
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  21. The New Day: Catholic Theologians of the Renewal.Wm. Jerry Boney & Lawrence E. Molumby - 1968
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    Intentions in Communication.Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan & Martha E. Pollack (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.
    This book presents views of the concept of intention and its relationship to communication from three perspectives: philosphy, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. The book is a record of a workshop held in 1987.
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    Etiquetas e comportamentos durante a viagem pastoral de D. Carlos Luiz D’Amour ao sul da Diocese de Cuiabá.Jérri Roberto Marin - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2137-2167.
    This article studies the etiquette diffusion and the reform of behavior during the pastoral visit of D. Carlos Luiz D'Amour, south of the Diocese of Cuiabá, in 1886. The source is the diary written by the private secretary Canon Bento Severiano da Luz. In such diary, the paths of the party were narrated as well as its major events and achievements, having the bishop as the central character. One of the objectives of the trip was to spread new patterns of (...)
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  24. The red Herring and the pet fish: Why concepts still can't be prototypes.Jerry Fodor & Ernest Lepore - 1996 - Cognition 58 (2):253-70.
    1 There is a Standard Objection to the idea that concepts might be prototypes (or exemplars, or stereotypes): Because they are productive, concepts must be compositional. Prototypes aren't compositional, so concepts can't be prototypes (see, e.g., Margolis, 1994).2 However, two recent papers (Osherson and Smith, 1988; Kamp and Partee, 1995) reconsider this consensus. They suggest that, although the Standard Objection is probably right in the long run, the cases where prototypes fail to exhibit compositionality are relatively exotic and involve phenomena (...)
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  25.  17
    Os posicionamentos do Arcebispo de Cuiabá, D. Francisco de Aquino Corrêa, e a defesa do patriotismo cristão.Jérri Roberto Marin Roberto Marin - 2016 - Diálogos (Maringa) 20 (3):155.
    O artigo analisa os posicionamentos de D. Francisco de Aquino Corrêa, arcebispo de Cuiabá, sobre o Brasil e a defesa do patriotismo cristão. Como um dos porta vozes da hierarquia eclesiástica brasileira e da Santa Sé, conquistou grande projeção e influência social entre as décadas de 1910 e 1940. As referências empíricas são os discursos e as cartas pastorais do período de 1920 a 1940. D. Aquino repensava e defendia novas formas de participação e de valorização da Igreja Católica como (...)
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  26. The Phenomenology of Koan Meditation in Zen Buddhism.Jerry Grenard - 2008 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 39 (2):151-188.
    Zen students described their experiences when working with koans, and a phenomenological method was used to identify the structure of those experiences. Zen koans are statements or stories developed in China and Japan by Zen masters in order to help students transform their conscious awareness of the world. Eight participants including 3 females and 5 males from Southern California with 1 to 30 years of experience in Zen answered open-ended questions about koan practice in one tape-recorded session for each participant. (...)
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    Independent social choice correspondences.Donald E. Campbell & Jerry S. Kelly - 1996 - Theory and Decision 41 (1):1-11.
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    Sectarianism Without Perfection? Quong's Political Liberalism.Jerry Gaus - 2012 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 2 (1).
  29.  16
    Philosophy and religion; some contemporary perspectives.Jerry H. Gill - 1968 - Minneapolis,: Burgess Pub. Co..
    Reason and quest for revelation, by P. Tillich.--On the ontological mystery, by G. Marcel.--The problem of non-objectifying thinking and speaking, by M. Heidegger.--The problem of natural theology, by J. Macquarrie.--Metaphysical rebellion, by A. Camus.--Psychoanalysis and religion by E. Fromm.--Why I am not a Christian, by B. Russell.--The quest for being, by S. Hook.--The sacred and the profane; a dialectical understanding of Christianity, by T. J. J. Altizer.--Three strata of meaning in religious discourse by C. Hartshorne.--The theological task, by J. B. (...)
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    Ubiquitous technologies, cultural logics and paternalism in industrial workplaces.Katharina E. Kinder, Linden J. Ball & Jerry S. Busby - 2007 - Poiesis and Praxis 5 (3-4):265-290.
    Ubiquitous computing is a new kind of computing where devices enhance everyday artefacts and open up previously inaccessible situations for data capture. ‘Technology paternalism’ has been suggested by Spiekermann and Pallas (Poiesis & Praxis: Int J Technol Assess Ethics Sci 4(1):6–18, 2006) as a concept to gauge the social and ethical impact of these new technologies. In this article we explore this concept in the specific setting of UK road maintenance and construction. Drawing on examples from our qualitative fieldwork we (...)
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    Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good by Marta Jimenez. [REVIEW]Jerry Green - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (1):151-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good by Marta JimenezJerry GreenMarta Jimenez. Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 224. Hardback, $70.00.Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good is a close examination of an underappreciated topic in Aristotle's theories of moral psychology and moral development: shame. Jimenez argues that shame is a sui generis emotion that plays a crucial (...)
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    Ian Ramsey: To Speak Responsibly of God.David E. White & Jerry H. Gill - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (1):134.
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    What's different in speed/accuracy trade-offs in young and elderly subjects.George E. Stelmach & Jerry R. Thomas - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):321-321.
    We question whether Plamondon & Alimi's model is useful in accounting for the nonsymmetrical and multiple-peaked velocity profiles observed in young and elderly subjects for ballistic aiming tasks. For these subjects, both data and observation suggest that a central representation initiates the movement in an appropriate direction but that multiple adjustments are made, both early and late, to achieve spatial accuracy.
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    Dom Francisco de Aquino Corrêa e a construção da identidade mato-grossense.Jérri Roberto Marin - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):780-811.
    Apresenta-se neste artigo o papel desempenhado pelo bispo e arcebispo de Cuiabá Dom Francisco de Aquino Corrêa na construção da identidade mato-grossense, entre as décadas de 1910 a 1930. Como governador de Mato Grosso, interveio na esfera cultural a fim de fortalecer as elites cuiabanas e superar as crises política, econômica e social. Para tal, arregimentou um grupo de intelectuais que se empenharam na construção da identidade regional assentada na idealização das terras e do homem mato-grossense, superando os estigmas de (...)
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  35. G. E. M. Anscombe's "An Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus". [REVIEW]Jerry H. Gill - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (1):137.
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  36. A multidimensional analysis of tax practitioners' ethical judgments.Cheryl A. Cruz, William E. Shafer & Jerry R. Strawser - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (3):223 - 244.
    This study investigates professional tax practitioners' ethical judgments and behavioral intentions in cases involving client pressure to adopt aggressive reporting positions, an issue that has been identified as the most difficult ethical/moral problem facing public accounting practitioners. The multidimensional ethics scale (MES) was used to measure the extent to which a hypothetical behavior was consistent with five ethical philosophies (moral equity, contractualism, utilitarianism, relativism, and egoism). Responses from a sample of 67 tax professionals supported the existence of all dimensions of (...)
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  37.  13
    Genesis und Geltung in E. Husserls Phänomenologie.Hubert Fein - 1970 - Wien,: Europa-Verl..
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    Hitchhiking: Social signals at a distance.Charles J. Morgan, Joan S. Lockard, Carol E. Fahrenbruch & Jerry L. Smith - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (6):459-461.
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    Remodeling chromatin structures for transcription: What happens to the histones?David J. Steger & Jerry L. Workman - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (11):875-884.
    Activation of gene transcription in vivo is accompanied by an alteration of chromatin structure. The specific binding of transcriptional activators disrupts nucleosomal arrays, suggesting that the primary steps leading to transcriptional initiation involve interactions between activators and chromatin. The affinity of transcription factors for nucleosomal DNA is determined by the location of recognition sequences within nucleosomes, and by the cooperative interactions of multiple proteins targeting binding sites contained within the same nucleosomes. In addition, two distinct types of enzymatic complexes facilitate (...)
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  40.  17
    When can we Kick (Some) Humans “Out of the Loop”? An Examination of the use of AI in Medical Imaging for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.Kathryn Muyskens, Yonghui Ma, Jerry Menikoff, James Hallinan & Julian Savulescu - 2025 - Asian Bioethics Review 17 (1):207-223.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted an increasing amount of attention, both positive and negative. Its potential applications in healthcare are indeed manifold and revolutionary, and within the realm of medical imaging and radiology (which will be the focus of this paper), significant increases in accuracy and speed, as well as significant savings in cost, stand to be gained through the adoption of this technology. Because of its novelty, a norm of keeping humans “in the loop” wherever AI mechanisms are deployed (...)
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    Assessing Risk in Implementing New Artificial Intelligence Triage Tools—How Much Risk is Reasonable in an Already Risky World?Alexa Nord-Bronzyk, Julian Savulescu, Angela Ballantyne, Annette Braunack-Mayer, Pavitra Krishnaswamy, Tamra Lysaght, Marcus E. H. Ong, Nan Liu, Jerry Menikoff, Mayli Mertens & Michael Dunn - 2025 - Asian Bioethics Review 17 (1):187-205.
    Risk prediction in emergency medicine (EM) holds unique challenges due to issues surrounding urgency, blurry research-practise distinctions, and the high-pressure environment in emergency departments (ED). Artificial intelligence (AI) risk prediction tools have been developed with the aim of streamlining triaging processes and mitigating perennial issues affecting EDs globally, such as overcrowding and delays. The implementation of these tools is complicated by the potential risks associated with over-triage and under-triage, untraceable false positives, as well as the potential for the biases of (...)
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    Unspoken Rules: Resolving Underdetermination With Closure Principles.Shaun Nichols & Jerry Gaus - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2735-2756.
    When people learn normative systems, they do so based on limited evidence. Many of the possible actions that are available to an agent have never been explicitly permitted or prohibited. But people will often need to figure out whether those unspecified actions are permitted or prohibited. How does a learner resolve this incompleteness? The learner might assume if an action-type is not expressly forbidden, then acts of that type are permitted. This closure principle is one of Liberty. Alternatively, the learner (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Robert F. Bieler, Paul B. Pederson, Robert L. Church, N. Ray Hiner, Edward J. Power, Michael J. Parsons, Stewart E. Fraser, June T. Fox, Monroe C. Beardsley, Richard Gambino, Richard D. Mosier, David Lawson, Frederick C. Gruber, David L. Kirp, Russell L. Curtis, Jerry Miner, Geneva Gay, Phillip C. Smith & Emma M. Capelluzzo - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (2):99-112.
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    Educating the Prince: Essays in Honor of Harvey Mansfield.John Gibbons, Nathan Tarcov, Ralph Hancock, Jerry Weinberger, Paul A. Cantor, Mark Blitz, James W. Muller, Kenneth Weinstein, Clifford Orwin, Arthur Melzer, Susan Meld Shell, Peter Minowitz, James Stoner, Jeremy Rabkin, David F. Epstein, Charles R. Kesler, Glen E. Thurow, R. Shep Melnick, Jessica Korn & Robert P. Kraynak (eds.) - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    For forty years, Harvey Mansfield has been worth reading. Whether plumbing the depths of MachiavelliOs Discourses or explaining what was at stake in Bill ClintonOs impeachment, MansfieldOs work in political philosophy and political science has set the standard. In Educating the Prince, twenty-one of his students, themselves distinguished scholars, try to live up to that standard. Their essays offer penetrating analyses of Machiavellianism, liberalism, and America., all of them informed by MansfieldOs own work. The volume also includes a bibliography of (...)
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    Self-repair in the Workplace: A Qualitative Investigation.Kenneth D. Butterfield, Warren Cook, Natalie Liberman & Jerry Goodstein - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):321-340.
    Despite widespread interest in the topic of moral repair in the business ethics literature and in the workplace, little is currently known about moral repair with regard to the self—i.e., how and why individuals repair themselves in the aftermath of harming others within workplace contexts and what factors may influence the success of self-repair. We conducted a qualitative study in the context of health care organizations to develop an inductive model of self-repair in the workplace. Our findings reveal a set (...)
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  46. Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Partners in Innovation. [REVIEW]Roberta M. Berry, Lisa Bliss, Sylvia Caley, Paul A. Lombardo, Jerri Nims Rooker, Jonathan Todres & Leslie E. Wolf - 2010 - HEC Forum 22 (2):85-116.
    This article reviews recent developments in health care law, focusing on the engagement of law as a partner in health care innovation. The article addresses: the history and contents of recent United States federal law restricting the use of genetic information by insurers and employers; the recent federal policy recommending routine HIV testing; the recent revision of federal policy regarding the funding of human embryonic stem cell research; the history, current status, and need for future attention to advance directives; the (...)
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    (1 other version)Handbook of set-theoretic topology, edited by Kenneth Kunen and Jerry E. Vaughan, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1984, vii + 1273 pp. [REVIEW]Stewart Baldwin - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):1044-1046.
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  48. Jerry Fodor on Non-conceptual Content.Katalin Balog - 2009 - Synthese 167 (3):311 - 320.
    Proponents of non-conceptual content have recruited it for various philosophical jobs. Some epistemologists have suggested that it may play the role of “the given” that Sellars is supposed to have exorcised from philosophy. Some philosophers of mind (e.g., Dretske) have suggested that it plays an important role in the project of naturalizing semantics as a kind of halfway between merely information bearing and possessing conceptual content. Here I will focus on a recent proposal by Jerry Fodor. In a recent (...)
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  49. Jerry Cohen’s Why Not Socialism? Some Thoughts.John E. Roemer - 2010 - The Journal of Ethics 14 (3-4):255-262.
    In his book Why Not Socialism?, G.A. Cohen described several kinds of inequality that would be acceptable under socialism, yet nonetheless harmful to community. I describe another kind of inequality with this property, deriving from the legitimate transmission of preferences and values from parents to children. In the same book, Cohen proposes that the designing of a socialist allocation mechanism is a key problem for socialist theory. I maintain this is less of a problem than he believes. Finally, some thoughts (...)
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  50. Jerry L. Mashaw, Greed, Chaos, and Governance: Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law Reviewed by.J. E. Penner - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (2):125-127.
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